The 27th message from Canada

Published on 4 May 2015 at 15:29

Monday, May 4, 2015

During my vacation in Denmark, I received only once email from Michael. After that it became quiet. I received an extensive email from Michael in which he recounts his adventures of Monday through Friday, this Saturday morning. I split this email in five blog posts. He has a lot to say again:

"I slept wonderfully and woke up around 7 AM. I am spoiled with toasted raisin bread, egg, and much more. All delicious. Tom and Coby are glad I that I am here. And so am I. Throughout the years they have become good friends of my parents, and of myself as well. When I told Tom of my plan to ride a bicycle across Canada to raise awareness about Sarcoidosis and Cancer, he was immediately enthusiastic about it. Tom and Coby lost their oldest son to Cancer on April 27, 2005, which is, according to me, one of the worst things that can happen to you as a parent. Right away Tom indicated, “Michael, wherever you are in Canada and you need help, call me and I will come and get you!” Great...

Today, Tom and I erect a multi-seat (patio) swing and thereafter I accompany him to the supermarket. We have coffee at Tim Horten. Tom and I are also busy with the internet. “They've just checked things out,” says Tom. “We are in a rural area and the signal is a radio-signal that enters the house via the radio mast next to the house. The cables have been replaced last week.” Whatever I try, it doesn't work. Hours are spent and I decide not to get irritated by the fact that it takes so much time and effort, even though it is now a very bad time. Especially since Han has asked me to put my input directly on the Internet because he temporarily has less time.


By restarting the modem and router things appear to come alive. However, every time I try to upload something to my website, or when I just logged in, or when I try to send a photograph attached to an email message, is when I receive error messages and time-out warnings. Grrr..."


Han Schomakers, editor

Translation by Albert Dijkstra

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