The 19th message from Canada

Published on 26 April 2015 at 16:50

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Michael is visiting his family in Merrickville, Ontario. It means that he isn't cycling today. There is only a message about the nice things he has been doing with his family:

"I woke up later than I expected and get dressed. Before having breakfast I skype with my youngest son and Ellen who both are visiting Puck for a birthday party. This means that there is even some time to see my elder brother, cousins and little nephew. Very nice. My eldest son is at home because he has to study hard for his exames. I skype also with him and we have a good conversation. Following my cousin in the Netherlands tries to skype with me and we also talk a little while. All in all almost an hour behind the computer but everybody has been seeing and talking to each other. My cousin brings me a delicious breakfast. I enjoy it very much!


Today they want to take me to the Escher exibition in Ottawa. Almost very near the place I was myself a couple a days ago. The nice thing is that I also will meet the daughters of my cousin again. The weather is beautiful today. It takes us some time to reach Ottawa. We pick up Erin first and I enjoy seeing her again. We drive on to the centre of Ottawa. We visit some sort of Chinese restaurant to eat someting there. Very cosy and funny to hear these people's English. One can't understand much of it...


After lunch as we walk on to meet Sara we found a man in stand who sells wooden boxes and umbrella stands. My cousin loves the umbrella stand and I decide to buy her one. I have been more than once in Canada and every time my family welcomes me warmly, takes care of me and amuses me. At last I get the chance to give her something of which I know she would love to have it. Nice!


Bob and Erin are walking towards Sara already. My cousin Ann and I first bring the umbrella stand to the car. From there we go straight to the museum. That is where we meet again.


The Escher exibition is not very large but very beautiful. Escher's son lives in Canada and he made this private collection available. It is really worth while. Time flies, we must have been walking around in the museum for 1,5 hours.


We drive back to Ottawa to bring Sara and Erin home. I won't be seeing them for a long time again. We are on our way to my nephew Michael where we will have dinner. We drive along the same road that I have been cycling before! I am still impressed by the distance. That's odd, by bike it doesn't seem that long...?

It 's an hour drive and we are being served a lovely paella with chicken and a salad. I realise that I will not have this on my way through Canada for a while. Time goes much too fast here with my family. When they ask me "Why don't you just stay longer for a while?" I almost should answer yes. It feels so good here and I am being pampered all the time.

After saying goodbye we drive along a gas station to buy the Ottawa Citizen, but I can't find an article about myself in it!? At this very moment there is a match going on between the Ottawa Senators and the Montréal Canadians and also here they watch the TV.

Back at my cousin's house we see that the Ottawa Senators didn't make it in the playoffs. Together with Bob, the fireman, I try my burner that I will be using for coocking in the next weeks. That was a good idea beacause it works rather good but the wrong sprayer had been installed. Not long after I went to bed and think about the time I am staying here. Time flies fast. Unbelievable!"


Han Schomakers, editor

Translation by Han Schomakers

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Anja Van Beek
9 years ago

Congratulaions on finding the strength and courage for such an undertaking. Your story was in the electronic version of the Ottawa Citizen today and I just wanted to send some words of encouragement. I was born in Veenendaal and now live in Ottawa. I'm glad you took a day off to enjoy the city.

Wishing you the best of health and the chance to meet many good friends throughout your journey.


Ann Foster
9 years ago

Hi Michael;
I am hoping your trip today was in warmth and sunshine. Take each day as it comes. It was very nice to see you. We send love and best wishes for the next leg of your journey.
Ann and Bob